
Furniture Design





Hop hop hopper

Designing of a dining room chair is for me a real challenge. Without asking they appear in my head. Summer 2010 at the island Serifos in Greece, I decided to sketch some of my chair ideas. On the drawing board everything is possible chair after chair appear on the paper.
I chose an idée based on one sitting form and 3 different frames.
After making some artists impressions I decided to start direct to make the real size drawings of the trio.
Slowly showed the three-unit their real identity 3 chairs all with there own identity but clearly visible family from each other.

Some days later I paste the drawings up from the floor against the wall in my working place. It looked like a small fashion parade for chairs.
It’s my way to look better to their inner and visible appearance.

Finally I succeed to make a scale model from each of the 3 chairs. My 87 years old Greek neighbour Gregory in Serifos believes till to day that I produce dolls house furniture. One day he showed up with the husband of Barby. And he showed me that the models I made are too small for Ken.

Careful packed I send the model with the new courier on the island to the Netherlands.
In less than twenty four ours the model arrived safe at Artifort.

Two months later the factory developed already the first prototype. I was surprised how they solve some of the important connections in an invisible way.
During this period they also decided to adopt the chair under the Lande Label. And they give her the name Hopper. The colleagues on the working floor made a lot of fun during developing the chair, hearing them many times saying Hop hop hop!
But this same product developers tribute a high knowledge on moulding making and several techniques to reach finally a long live high standard chair.

Lande and his team succeed to develop the Hopper as a chair who easily fits in the office and feels also home around your dining table. And two of the three are stackable.
For long meetings and dinners there is a Hopper available with a higher back.

At the expedition of Lande I saw many times Hoppers standing lined up ready to walk on the fashion parade in there most colourful outfits and different materials.
That probably she likes. Be special! Spice her up! Hop Hop Hop !

But even when she is dressed casual she is Hopper.


© ® All designs are deposited and registered at:
The International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)(OMPI)
The Benelux Bureau of property rights
The Netherlands office for property and succession rights registration

Design: Ohyescoolgreat.com